Tuesday, I walked into my film/English class not knowing who my instructor would be. (According to my schedule, the instructor was "TBA" -- and even a week into school, it still says that.) She seems to be nice. Currently, she lives 3 hours away from Boone. She is trying to move up here soon...but we'll see. This class seems like it will be more-or-less fun. I'm not sure yet (but I've either never seen or never had an interest in the films we are required to watch). After that, I went to my biological psychology class. I think this will be the highlight of my week (for classes, anyway). It is about all kinds of stuff I already know...and lots of things I don't that will build on the knowledge that I already have. Following that, it was my sociology class ("Social Problems in America"). I do NOT think I will enjoy this class. My professor is strange and I am required to do a 20-hour (volunteer) service learning project that investigates a social problem I want to know more about. Well, that's all my job is (mostly, anyway). I have an appreciation and an understanding of social problems in America ...so why do I have to do this? Oh well...
Wednesday, I had one class: New Testament. I think it will be interesting to see solely the academic view on it. My professor is a local pastor but from the first day I can already see that we don't agree on a fair number of things.
Thursday was like my Tuesday. The single difference was that I had a meeting with my research team after classes. This should be an interesting project to work on. (Plus, I get credit for it...so I'm now up to 19 credit hours.) I'm really excited about it. I'll post specifically on this later (if I remember).
Friday, I had my neuroscience lab. This was really exciting! I am looking forward to this. We play with brains and rats and all kinds of cool things. (Okay, rats aren't cool...but it will be neat to work with them.) This will be one of the more exciting/interesting classes this semester.
And that, kiddos, was my week of class. I still have yet to experience my Monday class (history and systems in psychology). This is one of my capstone classes and, I believe, this shall prove to keep me very busy. Well, all my classes shall prove to keep me busy, I think. It's going to be a long semester. HOWEVER, I have one more semester of undergrad after I complete this one!
Let the countdown begin!!
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