Here is a list of things I want to do before I die (probably not inclusive...nor am I likely to do all of them [aka...chicken out!]):
- Be completely spontaneous for one day. Nothing planned...just go with the flow (much harder to do than it sounds for me)
- Visit all of the continents (though, I'll settle for 4 or 5 or 6...Antarctica is not my cup of tea...TOO COLD!)
- Go (back) to Washington DC and spend a week touring the sites and museums (too young to really appreciate it last time I was there)
Make a difference in someone's life- Learn dancing (no specific type...maybe several)
- Have a job that I love that also doesn't try to kill me with the hours
- Learn to paint
- Actually knit (I was taught...but I'm having trouble with it) and become proficient at it
- Make a quilt
Save a life- Get my bachelor's degree (113 days to go!)
- Get my master's degree
- Get married (141 days to go!!)
- Have a fireplace in my home
- Make a wedding cake
- Sky dive
- Write a book
- See a play on Broadway
- Design/make gourmet deserts
Be in the news- Complete a 5k...
- And if I survive that, complete a 10k
- Go sailing
- See a meteor shower
- Become fluent in ASL
- (Re-) Learn to play violin
- Learn a foreign language...
- And then travel to that country
- Have children
- Go kayaking
- Be in a wedding that's not mine
Be on TV- Sing a solo in front of an audience (I sing them for myself all the time)
- Visit Niagara Falls
- Go to Hawaii
- Learn calligraphy
- Write a cookbook
Be in the newspaper- Photograph a wedding
- Visit at least half of the MLB stadiums (all would be awesome!)
- Go on a spontaneous road trip
- Try something I'm terrified of
- Keep a small herb garden (fresh herbs...yum!)
- Make breakfast everyday for a month (no cereal allowed!)
- Have grandchildren and take them on a trip somewhere
- Trace my family tree
- Be in 2 places at once
- Win a contest
- Make a scrapbook of my life
- Read the entire Bible, cover to cover
- Retire! (one day...)
- Go snorkeling
- Attend a professional football game
- (Re-) Learn to play piano
- Visit the Great Barrier Reef
That's a start. It's been a work for the last few years and, as you can see, I have already knocked a few of them off!
What is on your bucket list?
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