Today, we are got the first (real) snow of the season. Earlier this week, we had flurries and a dusting on the ground. That was different today. I woke up this morning to a winter wonderland. There's a solid 2-3 inches on the ground. The...slightly disturbing sight of the day was watching my bus attempt to go down my hill. I'm guessing it took him about 20 minutes, at least, to get down the hill. He would momentarily let off the brakes and, after putting them back on, would slide quite a distance (at the least 10 feet every time). This was on the least steep part of the hill, too. Should be interesting when I head out tomorrow.
Side of the apartment complex |
Back of the apartment complex |
Behind the apartment |
Cars covered in snow |
Snow on the road |
Snow-covered parking lot across the street |
As you can see, my parking lot was rather wet at this point (about 8am this morning). The water ran off and "dried off" (no standing water). A few short hours later, there was a dusting on the parking lot and now, at 9pm, it is solidly covered. Around 10am this morning, I brushed all the snow off of the car. There was a solid 2 inches on it. Four hours later, it had another 2 inches piled on top of that. Now, it has been "raining" (freezing precipitation). I don't know the true form (sleet or freezing rain) but I know the trees and ground are a bit icy. Could be fun tomorrow...and Monday...and Tuesday...and Wednesday. (The forecast is snow on-and-off through Wednesday without getting above freezing until Friday, at the earliest.)
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