I like M&Ms. I like the regular one, the peanut ones and the peanut butter ones. I went to Wal-Mart this evening to get my wonderful boyfriend some food so he can survive the next few days while I am testifying in court (that will likely be another post) and not starve because he can't get out in the snow to get food. So...anyway...I found this:
I had seen the ads for these M&Ms a few months ago when they were trying to determine their "spokesperson" for the new pretzel M&Ms. Well, because of my chocolate craving today, I got some. I have to say, they are pretty good. Jon's not sure he likes them (because of the salty + sweet combination). I have to say that they are growing on me and I think I like them. I also got some of these:
I like Andes Mints. Really good. I just need to use self-control and not eat them all at once.
So, the fact that we have snow is positive in that I am drinking lots of hot chocolate (I have an even better reason to drink it now because it's so cold). I really like hot chocolate. I don't like the snow, but I'll drink the hot chocolate and be happy (if only I had a fireplace...then I'd be really content. I told Jon today that if we live in Boone, or anywhere cold, we are getting a place with a fireplace. He is in agreement with me on this one.).
We have had a couple inches of snow...with some freezing precipitation (sleet/freezing rain). Jon and I were having lots of fun driving around in the snow/ice this afternoon. During the daytime, there was some melting because the sun was shining brightly (still only got up to a high of 29 degrees); however, the roads quickly turned slick this afternoon with the addition of another layer of snow on the roads. We are thinking that at least the first few hours of classes will be canceled tomorrow. Should be interesting to see what happens with the rest of the week seeing as a) the forecast calls for another 2-6" between now and Tuesday, b) temperatures won't get above freezing until Friday (and not getting above 20 degrees until Wednesday) and c) this is the start of exam week (Wednesday).
For now, I'll curl up with my bag of M&Ms, a good movie and blanket...just to hope the melting will be good enough to let me get home tomorrow for court on Tuesday.
So now I know just to get dark chocolate (which I love) and you'll leave it alone. :)