Friday, January 14, 2011

My bucket list

Dear Diary (cheesy start, right?),

Here is a list of things I want to do before I die (probably not inclusive...nor am I likely to do all of them [aka...chicken out!]):

  1. Be completely spontaneous for one day. Nothing planned...just go with the flow (much harder to do than it sounds for me)
  2. Visit all of the continents (though, I'll settle for 4 or 5 or 6...Antarctica is not my cup of tea...TOO COLD!)
  3. Go (back) to Washington DC and spend a week touring the sites and museums (too young to really appreciate it last time I was there)
  4. Make a difference in someone's life
  5. Learn dancing (no specific type...maybe several)
  6. Have a job that I love that also doesn't try to kill me with the hours
  7. Learn to paint
  8. Actually knit (I was taught...but I'm having trouble with it) and become proficient at it
  9. Make a quilt
  10. Save a life
  11. Get my bachelor's degree (113 days to go!)
  12. Get my master's degree
  13. Get married (141 days to go!!)
  14. Have a fireplace in my home
  15. Make a wedding cake
  16. Sky dive
  17. Write a book
  18. See a play on Broadway
  19. Design/make gourmet deserts
  20. Be in the news
  21. Complete a 5k...
  22. And if I survive that, complete a 10k
  23. Go sailing
  24. See a meteor shower
  25. Become fluent in ASL
  26. (Re-) Learn to play violin
  27. Learn a foreign language...
  28. And then travel to that country
  29. Have children
  30. Go kayaking
  31. Be in a wedding that's not mine
  32. Be on TV
  33. Sing a solo in front of an audience (I sing them for myself all the time)
  34. Visit Niagara Falls
  35. Go to Hawaii
  36. Learn calligraphy
  37. Write a cookbook
  38. Be in the newspaper
  39. Photograph a wedding
  40. Visit at least half of the MLB stadiums (all would be awesome!)
  41. Go on a spontaneous road trip
  42. Try something I'm terrified of
  43. Keep a small herb garden (fresh herbs...yum!)
  44. Make breakfast everyday for a month (no cereal allowed!)
  45. Have grandchildren and take them on a trip somewhere
  46. Trace my family tree
  47. Be in 2 places at once
  48. Win a contest
  49. Make a scrapbook of my life
  50. Read the entire Bible, cover to cover
  51. Retire! (one day...)
  52. Go snorkeling
  53. Attend a professional football game
  54. (Re-) Learn to play piano
  55. Visit the Great Barrier Reef
That's a start. It's been a work for the last few years and, as you can see, I have already knocked a few of them off!

What is on your bucket list?

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