Thursday, January 20, 2011

Wedding update!

So, this past weekend, Jon and I went home over our 3-day weekend (that's really a 4-day weekend because neither of us have classes on Friday!) to get some things done for the wedding that is fast approaching. We got a ton done!

  • We have a venue for the ceremony and reception (that was solidified on the day we came back to school for the first week of classes -- the date, however, was not solidified until early in the week of classes).
  • We have a caterer and I'm super-excited about the one we have! I've been at events that she has catered before and she is fantastic!
  • We have a photographer -- I don't know her personally but she is Mom's coworker's sister. Jon and I have looked at her portfolio and we liked what we saw. We have an engagement session scheduled over spring break and I'll likely do a bridal session between graduation and the wedding.
  • We have a pastor -- we emailed him early last week as to see if he was available and willing to marry us. He said he had to check and would get back to us. We talked to him while we were home this past weekend and he agreed to do it. :)
  • We have a pianist -- a good friend of ours is going to play during the ceremony. We're still working on a playlist for her but we have her coming to play.
  • We have a "florist" and designer -- one of my great friends who I have worked extensively with on decorating and designing (though she is so much better than I am) has agreed to help with the flowers and decorations and all of that jazz for the ceremony and reception. She's going to fiddle around with some things for the next 3 weeks or so and then show me what she's come up with and I'll figure out what I like or don't like and we'll go from there with bouquets.
  • We have a coordinator -- she is someone I have known for years and I'm so excited to have her on board with us. She is working really hard to help us do what we want and not what other people want (which is, ultimately, what we to be our wedding).
  • We have a guest list that is coming along. I hope to have that solidified by the end of this month.
  • The wedding invitations are in the works. My designer fiancĂ© has been working on those and I think he's going to attempt to print them in the printing lab on campus (if, in fact, he has time with his now 19-credit hour load). We're hoping to have them ready before spring break and work on addressing and the like over break.
  • We have a wedding website in the works. It's up and looks pretty good. There's still some things that we need to put up there before we (really Jon, as he's the web designer) make it public. However, it's put together and is looking good.
  • I have a dress -- I ordered it prior to coming to school and it came in in just a week! It was perfect timing for me to pick up this past weekend. I also have shoes that I'm pretty excited about! They're pretty and purple. :)
  • We have an outfit for the guys picked out -- we actually have the ties but nothing else. Looks like a suit for Jon and suit pants and a vest/tie for the guys.
  • Bridesmaid dresses -- we are making progress on it. The girls (2 of 3...the 2 who were able to go last Friday and look...1 is out of state for school) fell in love with the same dress (though they were allowed to pick their own dress). They are talking amongst themselves to try to decide what they want to do simply because 1 is a different dress might look funny...but, whatever happens is going to happen.
  • I have a bridesmaids luncheon in the works -- not exactly my thing (my grandmother wanted to do it) so I can't tell you where it's at...but it's happening.
  • The cake -- this is the only thing we don't actually have but we are making progress in decisions on it. 
As you can see, A LOT has happened in the 3 short weeks of our engagement (yes, it was just 3 weeks ago today!!). We have done a lot -- and Jon has been such a wonderful help with everything and I am so thankful he is taking a fairly active role in the planning. I would likely have gone absolutely crazy by now without him here to help me with it.

So, that's a wedding rap! Like I said earlier, it is fast approaching. Just 134 days left until I get to marry the best guy in the world (sorry ladies, I know you think you have the best one...but...he's all mine)!! And I cannot wait! :)

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