Friday, February 18, 2011

The countdown has begun!

As I look over the past several weeks, I am so amazed at what has happened and how things have progressed forward. As a point of reference, it was 7 weeks ago yesterday that Jon asked me to marry him...and 15 weeks from tomorrow, I will be walking down the aisle to meet my groom and become his wife. It continually amazes me how much I (with lots of help) have been able to accomplish over the previous weeks. The planning process for the wedding is essentially done and now it's just the details that need to be worked on (and those are coming along well -- it's just a matter of actually deciding what Jon and I like). Amazingly, most of this period has been relatively stress-free. It hasn't been without bumps but it has gone so much more smoothly than I thought it ever could. I am so thankful for that.

I am also so thankful to the help that my wonderful fiancĂ© has provided. He has given me his opinions when I've asked for them...and even when I didn't specifically ask (I required him to give them to me and requested that he not make me drag them out of him). He has made countless trips to Michaels with me as I look at different options for decorating -- and he hasn't complained once. He has always been willing to discuss any and all plans that I have concocted. One of the biggest things he has done during this whole planning process is design our invitations. That's not something I could have even attempted to do. It's not something he had to do, but it adds that extra-personal touch to it. He did a wonderful job and I can't wait to see them once we get them printed.

So, the countdown really isn't just beginning. It began 6 weeks ago when we settled on a date and booked the venue (so we knew we could have it that day) -- but we are almost out of the triple digits and into the double digits countdown! It's coming...slowly, but surely. Some days, that 105 days seems so far away...and then it seems like it's just around the corner. I like it both ways: when it feels far away, I feel like I have time to get everything done but when it feels like it's just around the corner, I get so very excited (more so than I already am...if that's actually possible) that I will be marrying my best friend. (The downside to it feeling so close is that I don't think I can get everything done...and the downside to it feeling so far away is that it feels so far away. :-P )

When we go home over spring break, it will really start to feel real...and even closer (though I realize it will be, here's the reason for it:). While there, there will be lots of pre-wedding activities taking place. We'll have our engagement pictures taken, I'll be meeting with a hair dresser to see about getting an idea of what I/we might do for my wedding hair, I'll be getting my dress altered, there will be a bridal shower for me (and another one for one of my bridesmaids who is getting married 2 weeks after Jon and I are), we'll be starting our premarital counseling (hopefully), there will be some cake testing (that's the plan, anyway -- regardless, we'll solidify something before we head back to school) and we'll be looking at places to live once we get married. The excitement is building and I am excited about the next 15 weeks!

Countdown to the wedding: 105 days, 22 hours, 45 minutes.
Other countdowns:
Graduation: 77 days, 45 minutes.
Jon's gets really old: 51 days, 8 hours, 45 minutes.

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